Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Welcome To My Blog!

How many of us have always dreamed about leading An Adventurous Life? Dreamed of traveling to the far corners of the world to experience a completely new culture? Exploring a vast, untamed area, or even just discovering what lies just around the corner on the path ahead?

That's what leading an adventurous life is all about. Giving into your curiosity and overcoming your fears to explore this wonderful, huge world of ours. Adventure really is around every corner, if you care to look, and it can be something as simple as taking a day hike to the closest state or national park, or as challenging and complex as scaling a mountain in the Himalayas.

A few years ago I had a life altering event that shook me to the core. Something unseen, and completely unexpected. It took me some time to get back on my feet, but when I did, I vowed to live my life the way I had always wanted. A life that was more adventurous. One with more risks, but also more rewards. It is my intentions, with this blog, to share some of my day to day adventures with you, but also provide you with stories from around the globe about adventures that are taking place even now. I'll offer my thoughts and comments on these things, while hopefully showing you that even in the 21st century, there is still plenty of adventure to be had.

Remember, all who wander are not lost!! :)

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