Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Michael Ferrara Aborts Attempt To Ski Across Alaska

Over the weekend, Michael Ferrara ended his attempt to cross Alaska, south to north, on skis, citing dry weather conditions and a nagging injury as reasons for pulling the plug. Ferrara, who had launched the expedition to raise awareness of the issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder amongst emergency response personnel, announced his decision in a blog post on the Born Out There Blog.

Michael's journey began back in March when he, along with his dog Lhotse, hit the trail on their cross country skis. Along the way, he ran into a number of challenges, including a lack of quality snow, difficult routes, ever changing weather, and more. In mid-April, Ferrara suffered a sprained knee while in town, of all places, and that put him on the shelf for a few weeks. During that period, he watched what little snow there was in the southern region of Alaska dwindle further, and his recovery time seemed to lag on.

Still, if you read Michael's post, you see that he got a lot out of his journey, even if he didn't come close to reaching the geographic destination at the finish line. He found new friends along the way, re-discovered how much he loved the Alaskan wilderness, and had a great time on his skis for a few weeks. What else could anyone ask for out of their adventures?

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