Thursday, March 12, 2009

Amazing Climbing Videos From Patagonia

This site was sent my way be regular reader Carl Hancock, who always has great things to share when he sends me a note. The page is titled Vertical Carnival Dispatches and it's full of videos, 14 of them to be exact, from a recent climbing expedition to Patagonia.

This first video has the team preparing for their climb in South America by warming up in Eldorado Canyon State Park in Colorado. The story is also revealed that one of the climbers tragically lost his wife, and it was her wishes to have her ashes spread out across her home in Brazil. She was a climber and adventurer herself who dreamed of going to Patagonia too, so to honor her, that is exactly what the team did. The results are these stunning videos that have a ton of great climbing footage. Really great stuff and a great story.

Vertical Carnival Video #1 from renan ozturk on Vimeo.

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