A few weeks back I posted about Outside Online looking for gear testers, and how you could get in on the action and score yourself some new stuff in the process. Well, it seems that Outside wan't the only major outdoor magazine looking for gear hounds. It seems that Backpacker is looking for a few good men and women to join their new reader gear test panel.
This time out, the process is going to be a bit tougher. You'll start off by sending a short, as in 200 words or so, gear review of one of your favorite pieces of equipment to khostetter1@gmail.com. That e-mail should also include your name and a link to your YouTube video as well.
Yep! You read that right. You'll also need to make a YouTube video too. The video should not exceed five minutes in length, and should show you reviewing a piece of gear. Get creative with it, have some fun, and use the visual medium to the best of your ability. Edit the video if you can, then upload it and send the link along in your e-mail, then wait for the adulation and money to come rolling in. Okay, I made up that last part.
The deadline for submissions is March 30th, so you'll really have to get cracking. Those who are asked to join the team will become part of the Backpacker staff for a 12 month period, including having your name added to the masthead of the print magazine, with your image included, and you'll get all kinds of gear to test over the coming year. Impress them enough, and you'll be allowed to write some reviews for the magazine and website as well.
So, all you aspiring gear reviewers, get your video cameras fired up and your submissions written. Just remember to share the gear wealth when you get something really good! ;)
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