Monday, July 26, 2010

50 Peaks, 50 States, 50 Days Update

A couple of weeks back I posted about 12-year old Matt Moniz who was attempting to reach the highest point in all 50 states in less than 50 days. Matt, along with his dad Mike, had dubbed the expedition the 50 in 50 in 50 climb, and when I wrote about their summer trip, they were closing in on the end.

When last we checked in on the father and son climbing team, they were taking on Granite Peak in Montana. That mountain stands 12,799 feet in height, and after a successful summit, the boys got down safely and hopped a flight to Hawaii for the final obstacle in their path – the 13,796 foot tall Mauna Kea.

Since that time, I've been watching their website for updates, and noticed that on Matt's Twitter feed that he and his dad completed their quest back on July 16th. All told, it took them just 43 days, 3 hours, and 51 minutes to complete the high points, beating the old record by more than two and a half days.

Well done young man, and congratulations on the milestone. You've set the bar hight for the rest of your classmates when you return to school in the fall and someone asks, "What did you do on your summer vacation?"

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