Thursday, July 22, 2010

Walking The Amazon Update: 18 Days To Go!

After 841 days walking the Amazon Jungle, Ed Stafford is finally nearing the end of his expedition to cross the rainforest on foot. In fact, he even has a detailed schedule of his final days planned out, and promises daily updates to his blog to help us follow along over the final stage of his incredible journey.

Today Ed announced that there are just 18 days left until he crosses the finish line, in this case the finish line meaning a plunge into the ocean. He says that media attention has begun to increase, and he was even joined by a reporter who will be tagging along with he and Cho over the next six days. She's going to get an education on survival in the wilderness, as those next six days include a trek "straight through the unknown jungle on a compass bearing. No paths, no settlements to stay at, just swamps, river crossings and sore shoulders that never go away."

Ed's final schedule looks like this:

22nd to 27th July - last 6 days of walking through rainforest.
28th - Walk the Trans Cametá Highway to Cametá.
29th - Paddle across the Trocantins River.
30th - Walk back on the far side of the said river to correct any advance downstream the previous day [see rules on FAQ page].
31st to 3rd August - 4 days walk down highways into Belem City itself.
4th - Meet Keith (photographer) off plane. Interviews.
5th to 8th - 4 days walk towards the Atlantic Ocean to just short of Marudá.
9th August dawn - final 5km in the dark and arrive at Marudá, the Atlantic, for sunrise (0630 local time, 0930 BST, 1030 BST). Fall in the sea. Job done.
I love his "Fall in the sea. Job done." comment to end the schedule. I think you've earned it Ed. Good luck on the final two-and-a-half weeks. Nearly home!

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