Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eric Larsen Gears Up For Everest

Regular readers of my blog have heard me mention Eric Larsen and his Save the Poles Expedition for months. The arctic explorer got things started last year when he launched his initiative to visit all three "poles", including the North and South Poles, and the summit of Everest, which is often called the "Third Pole" in a single calendar year. He has already reached the first of those two, and is now preparing to head to Nepal to climb Everest as well.

In a blog post that he made yesterday on his website, Eric reveals that he is in the midst of packing and getting ready to head to Kathmandu. While he does touch on the expedition a bit, noting that he and his team will be one of only two on their side of the mountain this fall, the majority of the post is a list of the gear that he is taking along with him, which will probably be of particular interest for those who have often wondered just how much stuff climbers take to Everest.

The gear list, as you can imagine, is quite extensive, giving us everything Eric will wear on his body, including his layering system, gloves, socks, boots, and so on. It also lists his packs, tents, sleeping bags, and so on, giving us the specific items that he'll be taking with him, as well, just in case we need similar gear when we go shopping. The list also includes his communications gear, solar power system, and cameras too, so you can really get a feel for what will be in his duffel bag when he hits Kathmandu.

Expect to hear a lot more about this expedition in the weeks ahead, as I'll definitely be keeping an eye on Eric's progress on the mountain. There will be several other Fall expeditions to Everest as well, but the mountain will be a very quiet place compared to the circus that is the Spring Season. Should be interesting none the less though.

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