Thursday, March 31, 2011

In London On April 9th? Attend The Adventurist Film Festival!

The 2011 Adventurist Film Festival is scheduled to take place at the Royal Geographical Society in London on April 9th. Co-hosted by Hendrick's Gin, the event promises to once again shine a spotlight on some of the more offbeat, yet adventuresome, films to be released in the past year. There will also be a host of great guest speakers and plenty of libations to enjoy as well.

Amongst the guests who will be on hand for the event are Amazon Walker Ed Stafford, who will know doubt regale attendees with rousing stories from his 4000 mile hike along the length of the Amazon River. Ed will be joined by Tarka and Katie-Jane L'Herpiniere, who took a little walk of their own along the Great Wall of China,  and Andrew Miles from the Explorers Film School.

The day will begin at 12:15 PM and run throughout the afternoon, with short-list of the top film entries on display. An over all winner for festival will be crowned by 6:30PM, at which time everyone will retire to the RGS Map Room for further discussions of an adventurous nature. To check out the full program, click here and to purchase tickets for the event, click here.

The Adventurists, by the way, are the fine chaps behind such events as the Mongol Rally, the Rickshaw Run, and the Africa Rally, all of which look insanely fun.

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