Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raise Funds For Charity And Go On An Adventure!

A non-profit organization called Flying Kites has come up with a unique fundraising program that is designed to help them continue to do good deeds in developing countries, while allowing us to pursue our own personal dreams of travel and adventure at the same time.

The charity has stated that its goal is to help improve the standards for the care of children living in the poorest nations on the planet, and it works tirelessly towards that end. They hope to use education as a tool to change the lives of those children with the hopes that they will go on to become leaders in their own societies, and affect change as well. Flying Kites is even building a Leadership Academy in Kenya to help facilitate this process in that country.

Such goals take money of course, and one of the ways that the organization raises the much needed cash is through the Flying Kites Adventure Challenges program, which allows us to sign up for a great adventure travel opportunity, then raise funds for the organization. After you hit your target goal, which varies depending on the trip you select, your adventure is paid for in full, including airfare, accommodations, guides, and so on.

The list of available options are a bit limited, but excellent choices none the less. The challenges include climbing Kilimanjaro, trekking to Everest Base Camp, and surfing in Nicaragua. There is also an option to compete in the North Face Endurance Challenge and travel to Kenya on a film expedition.

Now, I'm sure you're thinking much the same way that I was when I read about this, which is that the fundraising targets must be quite high. I was pleasantly surprised that they were quite reasonable however, with the cost of both Kilimanjaro and the trek to EBC being just $6000, which is actually a very reasonable goal. Make no mistake, you can do either of those trips for less money, but this option gives you the chance to go, while also supporting a great organization doing some important things for poor children around the world.

To find out more about the Adventure Challenge program watch the video below and then click here.

Flying Kites - Adventure Challenges - Kilimanjaro/Nicaragua from Flying Kites on Vimeo.

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