Thursday, June 7, 2007

Blog Link: The Ferris Files

I had a little chat with writer David Ferris earlier today and he passed on the link to his personal blog that has a lot of interesting stuff that I though everyone might be interested in. For starters, David is a personal fitness and running coach besides being a writer, and you can find out more about that part of his life over at

But there is another side of David that he shows off more in The Ferris Files his personal blog where he discusses his travels and other outdoor adventures. One adventure of particular note is his recent Aconcagua climb during which he blogged the whole experience. The blog entires start well before the climb, with thoughts about his upcoming adventure, not to mention buying $260 shoes. They continue throughout his time on the moutain, and finish up with some nice reflections upon his return. In all there are 45 entries, and it makes for a nice progressiong through the climb.

If you're planning an Aconcagua, or if you're just interested in reading what the experience is like, it's definitely worth the read. Good stuff. Keep up the great work David.

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