Monday, November 5, 2007

Best Hike Brings Us More From Banff!

As I mentioned in a post earlier today, Rick McCharles from and the always well done Best Hike Blog, has been spending the past week at the Banff Film Festival. He's made a couple of posts on what he's seen there that I thought you might find interesting.

First, he posted a list of award winning films from the festival with some very interesting titles getting a nod, including 20 Seconds of Joy that I mentioned earlier, as well as Into The WIld which we've discussed at length here already. The Grand Prize Winner was Death On Nanga Parbat, a film about the tragic death of Reinhold Messner's brother back in 1970, and the controversy that has swirled around Messner since.

There really are some films that sound very interesting on that list. Fortunately, the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour will be coming to my area next April, and hopefully I can catch one or two of these films. Be sure to check the schedule to find out when it's in your neighborhood.

The other posting that Rick made was a review of Joe Simpson's The Beckoning Silence, another film I've mentioned more than once on the blog recently. The film is based on Simpson's book of the same name which recounts a tragic climb on the Eiger back in 1936, mixed in with Joe's own tales of facing that great wall. Rick sums up his thoughts on the films quite simply:

"The Beckoning Silence is excellent. It’s a must see for anyone interested in the history of mountaineering."

Pretty high praise indeed. I'll definitely have to add this to my list of movies to see soon. Especially, as one of Rick's commenters notes, there is a *ahem* torrent already available.

Thanks for the reviews and thought Rick!

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