Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Adventure Heroes: Changing Your Life Through Adventure

We all love a little adventure in our lives. Adventure inspires us and can change our lives, which is exactly the premise behind the Adventure Heroes Series of interviews.

Host Sarah Wilson will be conducting these interviews with a wide variety of individuals who have had adventure change their life and have a direct impact on how they live. For instance, her list of interviewees include Mountaineer Guy Cotter, who is an Everest guide and filmmaker Justine Curgenven who finds adventure in sea kayaking and travel. Each of the guests will focus on a different topic like giving back through adventure and a mother daughter team who are making a run at the Seven Summits.

And if you're looking to add more adventure to your life, check out Sarah's other site Adventure Coaching where you can receive one on one suggestions on how to lead a more adventurous life. On the site you'll find a blog, profiles of the coaches, and a short quiz to generate your adventure profile.

I ran the Adventure Profiler and ended up with a 28 out of 36, making me an "Extreme Adventurer". Seems about right. :)

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