Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Broad Peak Winter Update: Final Summit Push Begins Tomorrow

Simone Moro made a very simple dispatch today to his expedition website from Broad Peak. It simply reads:

"Tomorrow start the last extreme attempt at Broad Peak..."

And that about says it all. One more shot at the summit after several failed attempts. Two months of struggle on the mountain to claim the first winter ascent on BP and a Karakorum 8-thousander, comes down to this. If everything goes well, Simone, Shaheen, and Quadrat will make a quick ascent up to Camp 2 tomorrow, then move into position at Camp 3 on Frday, with the hopes of making a final summit run over the weekend.

The latest weather reports suggest that weather conditions could improve over the course of the next few days, with winds dropping off and possibly affording them a window for the climb. However, this has been the same report on the past two summit attempts, so at this point, the forecast is probably anyone's guess.

One thing is for certain, no matter what happens, the expedition is about to come to an end. The team's climbing permit, which has already been extended, is set to expire on March 10th, and they are running low on supplies as well. The men are nearly out of food and kerosine, so they'll make the best of their final days on Broad Peak with one final ascent.

Lets wish all wish Simone and his boys the best of luck. They've worked hard, but the weather in the Karakorum during the winter just isn't very cooperative. Perhaps this weekend will afford them their opportunity to claim the summit. Climb safe guys!

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