Monday, June 22, 2009

Cycling The Americas Update: Back From Denali

Fresh from a successful summit of Denali, Mark Beaumont has returned to Talkeetna in Alaska, where he celebrated the Summer Solstice last night in a big way. In his latest blog update, he notes that after three weeks on the mountain he has lost 7kg (15.5 pounds), but didn't really realize it until he returned to civilization where he changed clothes for the first time in 20 days.

Mark has also shared some photos from the early part of his climb that can be seen on the blog as well, and he promises more to come soon. He also notes that he'll spend the next three days recovering and regaining his strength and hopes to be back on the road cycling by midweek or so.

From there, Talkeetna he'll turn his wheel south and really get his journey underway. The plan is to cycle from Alaska to the tip of South America, with one more mountaineering break to go, as he'll stop in Argentina long enough to summit Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in the Americas. All told, the trip should take roughly 10 months and cover more than 15,000 miles in the process.

When starting out on a trip like this one, it seems the last thing that Mark needed was to lose some weight. But at least he has a few days to put the calories back into his body and get caught up some before he heads out on the road and continuously burns more calories again.

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