Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Roz Update: Roz Celebrates Ocean Day at Sea!

A few days before I set out for Australia, ocean rower Roz Savage set out on the second stage of her attempt to become the first woman to row solo across the Pacific Ocean. It has now been 16 days since she left Hawaii, and yesterdays she celebrated World Ocean Day in the best way possible, surrounded by the Pacific!

In her well updated blog, Roz talks about the journey so far, and her own appreciation for the ocean, which she has earned on a completed solo row across the Atlantic and her 2300+ mile first leg of the Pacific, which she completed last year. On that stage, she left San Francisco, and ended in Hawaii. This year she intends to go from Hawaii to Tuvalu. covering 2620 miles in the process. In 2010, she'll complete the journey, ending in Australia following another 2320+ mile row.

So far, Roz seems in good spirits, and is rowing strong. Checking out the wonderful RozTracker, we can see that she is now 434 miles into the stage, and has pushed the oars an estimated 183,582 times so far. She's already faced rough seas and challenging winds, but as is typical with Roz, she continues to wax philosophically about the environment, protecting the oceans, and the best audio books to row to.

Hopefully things will continue to go well, and in another 75 days, or so, she'll arrive in Tuvalu safe and sound. Until then, I'll continue reading her updates and feeling like a very lazy man.

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