Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Want To Go To Antarctica? Can You Blog?

I'm a bit hesitant to post this story, as clearly I don't need any competition! But, in the interest of being a good sport, here goes anyway.

Quark Expeditions, one of the top adventure travel companies offering access to the Arctic and Antarctic, is holding a contest, in which the grand prize is a trip for two to Antarctica in 2010. To enter, you simply need to go to, register, and then write a 300 word blog post on why you should be the one chosen to go on the trip, and blog your experiences along the way.

The competition kicked off a few days back on June 19th, and there are already plenty of entries. Readers are encouraged to go to the site and vote for their favorite blog post, and when the contest closes on Sept. 30th, the winner is the person with the most votes. All entrants must be 21 years old or older to be eligible to win.

And what a prize they will win. Valued at more than $20,000, the winner, and his/her lucky companion, will be off on an adventure expedition that includes airfare to and from the States, one nights stay in Ushuaia, Argentina, and an 11 night cruise to Antarctica that includes an excursion to the Antarctic Peninsula itself.

Make no mistake, I definitely want to get to Antarctica some day, and this is a great opportunity for some lucky person to go on an amazing adventure. What a cool prize and a great way to promote it. Now how many votes can I drum up... ?

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