Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Training For A 1700 Mile Solo Expedition

Last week I mentioned that British adventurer Ripley Davenport was getting ready for his Mongolia 2010 Expedition, in which he'll go solo and unsupported across 1700 miles of harsh terrain. When I posted that story, Ripley was being featured on Adventure World Magazine, and now he's back with the first of an ongoing feature about his training methods for the journey.

In this story, the intrepid explorer says that his physical training for next year's expedition actually began nearly a year ago in October of 2008. His approach to the training is to get outside, work hard in the elements and the natural conditions. As Ripley puts it, working out in a gym isn't very helpful when the conditions he'll be dealing with won't be comfortable and easy.

He also discusses the areas he is focusing his training on, such as muscular composition and flexibility. These are obviously important factors for anyone who will be challenging themselves physically. But Ripley also lists mental training as part of his preparation, and personally I think that is the area that separates those who are successful and those who are not.

This looks like it'll be a great ongoing series, and should prove to be very insightful. ASW has a winner here, and I think we'll all enjoy it.

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