Sunday, July 18, 2010

How to Market a Product Or Idea

How to Market a Product Or Idea

There is a lot of excitement when a new idea regarding business comes up that may expand your company or even launch a very new product to the market. These ideas may be presented to some investors who are interested to buy them and get a share of profit. Once you have a buyer of the idea you can target the market with the suitable price and earn profit in a while. But one important thing to do is to promote the product in such a way that people are aware of its availability. By reading this article one will know how to market a product or idea.

There are few things that will come handy in this process. They are a computer, word processing, a program using the spreadsheet, a presentation program and also the internet.

The first step to be done is to do a detailed research of the market available for the product. Then also see how the things have been changing over the last few days. Have an idea about its competitors and challenges faced. The legal considerations must also be identified that may come in play regarding the idea. All the copyrights patents and trademarks are obtained.

A budget is then created which includes the money needed for the plan and the miscellaneous funds required to carry out this. The start up cost is also included. Sometimes the store required and also the staff should also be included. The R&D is another part to concentrate the expenditure on.

The target market and the people are indentified. A profile can then be created with all the details that would make people to be benefited from it. The details also include the age, income, education level, their interests, etc so that it gives an opportunity for you to concentrate on what they would be interested in. Some people would like things that make things easier in life like readymade stuffs. The mode of information is also another important thing to concentrate on.

Then, the person to whom the idea is to pitched can be decided. Some products may be things that can readily be offered to the people. In this case approach the super markets. Other products have some specific people or retailers who sell it. In that case approach them. If it requires some funding, financers can be approached.

Then, a presentation can be crafted. This must have all the basic information that would interest the people who want to invest in your idea. This is about the idea or product, market and its response. It should also have some financial details and the pay back it would give. You must also give details about how much money is required to be invested and how much is returned and in how long. Number details always will impress the investors.

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