Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to Prepare for a Phone Interview?

How to Prepare for a Phone Interview?

All Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for in-person interviews. Review these phone interview tips to be sure that you’ve all the bases covered.

It will be nerve-wracking It can be nerve-wracking preparing for a phone interview. It is the second impression that you will make on a hiring decision maker – the first impression was obviously made for you by your resume and cover letter, and must have been positive, or you would not have the phone interview appointment. That being the case, it is worthwhile to prepare and be ready to put your best foot forward.

Rehearse your responses with some possible questions. Practice with your friends or pals as if they are listening to you by playing the part of the interviewer. Make a list of questions you expect the interviewer to ask and have good answers prepared, but have them on the top of your head in general and not memorized. Memorized answers can sound canned and not real, and will hurt you more than help you. You need to appear genuine and real during the phone interview.

Prepare and practice two or three ideas that you want to get across to the interviewer as to why you are the right person for this job. If you are having any trouble thinking of ideas, read your resume again. Look for the key points, qualifications or accomplishments you have written that helped you get the phone interview in the first place, and be ready to discuss them.

Think of what you can do the company because the concerned manager really doesn’t care your likes and dislikes towards the job rather his thoughts are always focused about how you are able to finish the task that is assigned to you if you are hired.

It is well and good if you get dressed in a good manner. Wear the same clothes that you wear for the walk-in interview when you are in phone because clothes also matters as a part that reflects your attitude. Sweating t-shirts and untidy clothes can also be a factor to decrease your confidence.

Smile. Smiles are really contagious, even if they can’t be seen. There is something in your voice and attitude that is conveyed when you smile, and the person on the other end of the phone can sense it.

Speak clearly and enunciate. Use a good quality phone, a land line not a cordless. If at all possible do not use a cellular phone for the phone interview. Crackling noises are distractions and bad cell sites, leading to dropped calls, are a negative. You want the employer to be thinking positive things during your interview.

Finally relax yourself and be sure of giving your best. The last but not the least thing is that don’t forget to thank the interviewer once the interview gets over.

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