Thursday, August 19, 2010

America's Best Adventures

A few days back I posted a link to some suggestions for adventure travel destinations this fall, with ten great spots to visit once the summer crowds, and heat, dissipate. Not to be outdone by that list, National Geographic Adventure has been running their selections for America's Best Adventures, providing us with 100 of the best escapes, with no passports required.

The list really does have something for everyone with activities ranging from backcountry skiing to climbing to mountain biking, and a whole lot more. There is even a state-by-state list of destinations, as well as an interactive map, with a majority of the states represented by at least one adventure. Not surprisingly though, most of these are located in the western part of the country, with places like Colorado, California, and Utah having more than their fair share of destinations making the top 100.

Some of the suggestions for domestic adventure bliss include backpacking Glacier National Park in Montana, mountain biking from Durango, Colorado to Moab, Utah, and paddling the Adirondacks, in New York. I was also happy to see ride RAGBRAI from my home state of Iowa make the list, as well as Float Big Bend and Boulder Hueco Tanks from my adopted state of Texas too.

With the economy continuing to remain sluggish, to say the least, and many travelers electing to stay close to home yet again this year, this list offers up some really great suggestions for those who would like to put some adventure into their life, but not break the bank doing so. It also serves as a great reminder of the incredibly diverse landscapes we have here in the U.S. and how many great activities we have in our own backyard.

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