Thursday, August 5, 2010

More New Gear From Summer OR

The Outdoor Retailer Summer Market is in full swing, with lots of interesting gear on display for retail buyers and media reps in Salt Lake City, Utah. Everything from new tents and backpacks to hiking boots and GPS devices are making their debut at the show in advance of those products making their way to our favorite gear shops later this year and early 2011.

Outside Magazine is doing a great job of covering the show floor, offering up some tips on what we can expect and even putting together some short videos on the best gear they've seen so far. Their Outdoor Retailer Feed can be found by clicking here, and it will continue to be updated over the next two days as they get the chance to visit more gear manufacturers.

Also doing their usual great job of reporting from OR are the good folks over at, who have their own Outdoor Retailer page that they are updating as well. You can access their page by clicking here. Two days into the Summer show, and they've already posted info on a number of great products, including a look at two new brands that are making waves at the show this year.

As for the new items that have caught my eye, I think the SteriPEN Sidewinder looks interesting. It is a new edition to the company's line of water purifiers, but this one is powered by a crank, eliminating the need for batteries. There are also a spate of new items that are evolutionary in their approach, making lighter packs and other travel items as well. I'm ALWAYS looking for ways to cut weight while traveling.

Anything catch your eye yet?

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