Friday, August 13, 2010

Trans-Kalahari Adventure Run Begins Tomorrow!

Way back in June I told you about the plans of three friends to run across the Kalahari Desert. They planned to cover 1000km (620 miles) through some of the most remote, and challenging, wilderness in all of Africa in hopes of raising funds and awareness for Cheetah Conservation Botswana. This endurance expedition has been dubbed the Trans-Kalahari Adventure Run, and it set to get underway tomorrow.

The three runners include Jukka Viljanen, Kirsi Montonen, and Greg Maud, who intend to run approximately 50km (31 miles) per day on back roads, jeep paths, and game trails. The route will take them through some very rugged areas where wild animals still wander free and rule the landscape. For that reason, they'll have a support staff and vehicles close at hand as they go.

The team should already be in Botswana, and they intend to post blog updates every day, keeping us up to date on their progress. If everything goes as planned, they'll complete the journey in roughly 20 days. To get a closer look at the intended route, click here.

I want to wish Jukka, Kirsi and Greg good luck on their adventure. Running more than a marathon every day for three weeks would be tough enough under ideal conditions. Doing it in the Kalahari will certainly test their stamina and will power.

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