Wednesday, September 22, 2010

10 Best Secret Scuba Destinations

I'm not a scuba diver, at least not yet, but I know a number of readers who really enjoy it. For those who enjoy their adventures beneath the ocean, Wide World Magazine has a great article just for you, offering up their selection for the ten best undiscovered scuba spots.

The gist of the article is a simple one. We all know what the best dive spots in the world, such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Blue Hole, and so on. But this list gives us a look at some of the best dive spots in the world that hardly anyone knows about. The list contains something for everyone, offering dives in a variety of types of water and mixing in reefs, wrecks, and more.

Some of the locations that make the cut include Spitsbergen in Norway, where divers have the opportunity to encounter whales and walruses, and Pemba, Tanzania, in which offers everything from reef diving on one side to challenge drift diving on the other. One site, Port Sudan out of the Sudan, can only be reached by a single flight a week, but offers amazing wreck diving, including a ship that went down with a load of Toyota vehicles onboard. Wild!

Reading about these amazing sites makes me only want to get certified all the more. If you've already gone through certification however, you better start booking your tickets. With Wide World sharing these secrets, it won't be long until the word is out.

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