Friday, September 24, 2010

First Man To Climb El Cap With Cerebral Palsy Interviewed By Outside

Back on September 12th, Steven Wampler became the first person with Cerebral Palsy to climb El Cap in Yosemite National Park. It took him six days to scale that epic rock face, pulling himself up an estimated 20,000 times in the process. The climb was made possible thanks to a custom designed chair, a special system of ropes and the help of two friends who secured the route and accompanied him to the top of the 3000 foot wall.

A few days ago, Outside magazine had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Steven, who has had a few weeks to reflect on his accomplishment. The interview was posted on the Outside Blog earlier today, with Wampler sharing his insights on the scariest parts of the climb (He's afraid of heights!), why he chose El Cap for his first real climb, and what's next for him.

Pretty incredible story if you ask me. El Cap is a challenge for anyone to climb, and to do it while afflicted by Cerebral Palsy is just astounding. Quite an impressive feat to say the least.

You can find out more about Steven and the climb in the video below, which comes our way courtesy of ABC News.

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