Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pentax Optio I-10 Vintage Style Digital Camera

Pentax Optio I-10 is the new digital camera that points not only a great quality of parts but winks to lovers of vintage design  with a charm of past. The new digital camera Pentax I-10 is stands out from the crowd for their vintage style with the compact body, tantalizing textures and generally a central aspect that leads to that of an SLR.

Pentax Optio I-10 features a powerful 5x optical zoom and a 12.1-megapixel sensor so as to capture high-resolution images with a wide range of recovery ranging from wide angle to the earliest due-quality optics. Do not miss the Face Detection AF & AE to faces recognize.

For photos and footage never moved here feature Shake Reduction, the sensobilita ISO goes up to 6400 for faster shutter speeds in low light. The videorecording of Pentax Optio I-10 goes up to a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Pentax Optio I-10 includes 11 digital Fitri for all occasions. It is available in black or white at a price of 199 euros.

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