Monday, October 25, 2010

Now This Is A Climbing Wall!

We've all seen some pretty cool climbing walls in our time. I've personally seen everything from your standard gym wall to some fairly challenging outdoor walls and even a floating climbing wall. But I've never seen anything like the climbing wall featured in this story over at OhGizmo!

Located in the town of Groningen in the Netherlands, this climbing wall is part of the Klimcentrum Bjoeks, a climbing gym that seems to have plenty to offer every level of climber. The Excalibur wall, as it is known, stands 37 meters (121 ft) in height and offers an overhang of 11 meters (36 ft). According to the story, there are routes on the wall for beginners all the way up to very experienced climbers, and is said to be the tallest climbing wall in the world. Very cool and impressive stuff. Looks like fun!

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