Thursday, October 21, 2010

Overland From London to Cape Town

WideWorld Mag posted a very cool story yesterday about an adventurous trio of Brits who set off from London this past weekend to drive overland to Cape Town, South Africa in an attempt to break the record for that drive. The current record the drive is 13 days, 8 hours, and 48 minutes, meaning the team will hae to drive almost non-stop if they hope to set a new record.

The expedition is fittingly enough entitled Max Adventure, which seems perfect for this type of journey. The three men making the drive are Mac Mackenney, Chris Rawlings and Steve Mackenney, who will be spending the next fortnight in the cramped quarters of a Land Rover Discovery as they cross through three continents and 21 countries, cover over 16,000km (10,000 miles) in the process.

The expedition isn't just about making an epic drive however, as the boys hope to raise funds for the Help For Heroes organization, non-proft that works diligently to offer practical help for British soldiers wounded while serving their country. You can find out more, as well as donate to the cause, at the Max Adventure fundraising page located here.

On a side note, does anyone else think that this sounds like the ultimate road trip to take with some buddies? Load up in a Land Rover and hit the road? Sounds like a complete blast to me, although I wouldn't want to do it to break any kind of speed record. I'd much rather take my time and see the landscapes and cultures along the way. Maybe I need to upgrade the Adventure Blog Mobile to a Discovery and take this show on the road.

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