Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Hike's Top Ten Hiking Towns Worldwide: #3 - Namche, Bazaar

The Best Hike Blog revealed their pick for the number 3 hiking town in the world today, as their end of the year countdown continues. This selection is one that I can wholeheartedly agree with, as I visited the place earlier this year.

Namche Bazaar, located in the Himalaya of Nepal, gets the nod in no small part because of it's proximity to Everest. The town, which has a population of about 800 people, is truly is the gateway to the High Himalaya, but is also one of the most enjoyable stops along that trek to the Khumbu Valley. Visitors will find plenty of choices in accommodations and restaurants, as well as such amenities as Internet access, hot showers, and plenty of gear shops to buy last minute equipment in. But getting there isn't easy, as the hike up the "hill" is quite a slog. One that will leave you breathless at 3,440 metres (11,286 ft).

As Best Hike editor Rick McCharles points out, the big draw to visiting Namche is obviously Everest, but the culture of Nepal and the views along the way are equally appealing. The hikes throughout the region are fantastic, and there are no mountains anywhere that compare to the Himalaya.

Great pick in my opinion. So, what towns do you think will be in the #1 and #2 spots?

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