Friday, December 3, 2010

Sarah Outen Announces Human Powered Circumnavigation Attempt

You all remember Sarah Outen right? She's the 25-year old British woman we followed closely as she rowed solo across the Indian Ocean last year, becoming the first woman, and the youngest person to accomplish that feat. After taking some time off for much deserved rest and recuperation, Sarah is now ready to clue us all in on her next expedition, which is even more ambitious than her ocean row.

Sarah has announced that beginning April 1st, 2011, she will be embarking on a new expedition dubbed London2London, during which she will attempt to circumnavigate the globe completely under her own power. That means rowing the oceans and biking the continents, in what she estimates to be a 2.5 year endeavor to circle the planet.

Her route will naturally begin and end in London of course. She'll start off by kayaking down the Thames and across the Channel to France. From there, she'll get on her bike and head east, crossing Europe and Asia, eventually arriving on the Russian East Coast. After that, it's back in the kayak for a little jaunt to Japan, where she plans to spend some time before embarking on a solo row across the Northern Pacific Ocean, which she hopes to begin in the spring of 2012. Arriving in Vancouver, she'll begin another bike leg, crossing through Canada and the U.S. before arriving in Nova Scotia, where she'll get in her row boat one more time for a solo row across the North Atlantic.

You've got to hand it to the girl, she sure has ambition. You can read more about Sarah's plans in this interview over at WideWorld. Also, be sure to check out the video below so you can listen and watch Sarah announce her plans in person.

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