Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog Your Way To The North Pole!

Ever wanted to visit the North Pole but thought there was no way you could ever achieve that dream? I've got good news for you then! Quark Expeditions has announced a new contest in which they invite adventure travelers to blog their way to the North Pole.

Much like their Blog Your Way To Antarctica contest from last year, entry to the sweepstakes is fairly simple, but does require you to write a 400 word blog post explaining why you should be Quark's Official Blogger to the North Pole. You'll also want to share what other adventurous travels you've undertaken and post a photo too. From there, you'll need to rally your troops, getting friends, family, and complete strangers to vote for you on your entry page.

The contest runs until February 15, 2011, at which time the top five entries, determined by the number of votes, will be judged by a panel of travel specialists who will select the winner of the trip. That lucky winner will be awarded a trip for two aboard a Russian icebreaker ship to the North Pole in June of next year. That trip is valued at more than $54,000.

To submit your entry head over to, login using Facebook or a contest account, and get working on your winning masterpiece. Good luck, and remember, if you win, this is a trip for TWO. I'd be happy to accompany you on the cruise. ;)

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