Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nat Geo Launches "Fringe Elements" Adventure Video Series

National Geographic has launched a new line of adventure sports videos called Fringe Elements that looks to have a ton of great potential. As you can imagine, coming from Nat Geo, the quality is extremely high, and they cover a broad base of outdoor activities. In the first round of videos alone, there is everything from  rock climbing to trail running, with just about everything in between.

Along with the launch of these new videos, there is all a gallery of "expert tips" which offers up some great advice on a number of important topics. For example, there are tips on how to pack lighter (always important and appreciated on my end!) as well as a list of the top gear for aspiring adventure filmmakers.

Check out the full list of a launch videos by clicking here. I've also posted an example below. Great stuff to start the day.

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