Friday, April 15, 2011

National Parks Week Begins Tomorrow!

As an avid traveler and outdoor enthusiast, I'm a big fan of America's National Parks. These amazing wilderness settings are amongst the most beautiful places I've visited on Earth, and that is saying something, as I've been fortunate enough to visit some pretty spectacular places. To celebrate these wonderful places, the Park Service has declared April 16th - 24th as National Parks Week and has scheduled a host of activities to take place during that period. They're also making the parks free to visitors during those days, waiving the entrance fee for all who want to experience the wonders of the parks for themselves.

Over the course of the next nine days, there will be a lot of promotional activities taking place in a number of parks throughout the country. Be sure to check out for more information on those official park events, and drop by the National Parks Promotional Council website to see what some of the affiliated organizations have on tap as well.

As for me, I'm heading out to Joshua Tree for the weekend. The National Parks Conservation Association is holding an event out that way, and I'll be on hand to cover it and take part in the festivities. I've never been to Joshua Tree before, so I'm looking forward to experiencing a new park and kicking of National Parks Week in grand style. I hope you have plans to enjoy a park during the week ahead as well.

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