Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Win A Spring Survival Kit From Adventure Medical Kits and The Adventure Blog

Last week I posted a review of a great little tool called the SOL Core Lite from Adventure Medical Kits. I gave it high marks for being a lightweight knife, flashlight, and emergency whistle combo that you could throw in your pack on any outdoor venture. I also noted that I would be giving a few away in the near future, along with a few other products from AMK.

The Core Lite is just one element to a Spring Survival Kit that we've put together for readers. I've also got Natrapel insect repellent wipes (good for 8 hours!), AfterBite Itch Eraser, and Ben's Insect Treatment for Clothing and Gear. Each of these products should prove extremely helpful in the warm spring and summer months ahead, when the bugs will be returning in force and looking to spoil your outdoor fun. Best of all, none of these items uses Deet, which we all know can be quite harmful.

In fact, Natrapel is running a Ditch The Deet contest at the moment, which encourages us to submit photos of our favorite outdoor adventures (bug free of course!) to their website. From there, photos will be voted on by site visitors, with the winning image being awarded a trip for four to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Runners up will receive gear and other prizes as well. So, dig out your favorite snap-shot, or take a few new ones, and submit them to the site. You and three friends could be off on a fun vacation thanks to your award winning photo!

But I have an even simpler contest for you. To win your own Core Lite tool, Natrapel insect repellent wipes, AfterBite Itch Eraser, and Ben's Insect Treatment for your gear, simply send me an e-mail with the subject line of "Ditch The Deet" to kungfujedi@gmail.com. In the body of the message tell me a little something about your outdoor plans for the spring and summer, and why you would need this little "survival kit." On Friday of this week, and for the next couple of Fridays, I'll select winners and ship them off their kit, just in time for the insect invasion of 2011. It's that simple!

Good luck!

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