Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Gear Junkie Gives Us the Best of OR

The Outdoor Retailer Summer Market was held last week, with the top gear manufacturers gathering in Salt Lake City to unveil their new products with all the latest advancements on display. Of course, the Gear Junkie was on hand to check out everything new and report back to us on all the cool stuff we'll need to make room for in our gear closets later this year.

A few of the items that caught is eye were new packs from Osprey and Jansport, a new Half-Dome tent from REI, a pocket survival kit from Adventure Medical Kits, and of course the second generation SPOT Messenger.

Of course, that's just a sample of the new gear that was shown off at OR. Personally, I'm interested in the new jacket technology from Klymit that inflates at the push of a button, injecting Argon gas into tiny cells which creates insulation for all of our cold weather activities.

So what did you see at the show that caught your eye? Anything truly revolutionary?

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