Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nat Geo Puts Ed Wardle Alone in the Wild

National Geographic is preparing for a new television show, set to begin airing on Saturday, called Alone in the Wild. The premise of the show is not unlike Survivorman, but in this case, show host Ed Wardle is dropped into the Yukon Territory of Canada, and spends the show crossing the remote region on foot, trying to make it out alive.

The unique element of the show is that it is ongoing right now, and you can follow Ed's adventure on the show's website. He is currently 18 days into the journey, which is projected to take him three months to complete. Wardle has a background in shooting adventure films and has extensive experience in mountaineering and wilderness survival, and just like his Survivorman counterpart, Les Stroud, he's shooting all the video himself. You can learn more about that process here.

The website not only keeps a running counter of how long Ed's been out in the wild, but also has him using Twitter to send updates from the field. There is also more information about Ed's background, as well as the dangers he is facing in the Yukon.

Lets hope this show is better than Expedition Africa, which turned out to be a big disappointment to me. While the scenery was great and the premise was sound, what we got was a reality show with Type-A personalities being argumentative while the hiked from Point A to Point B, while occasionally taking a ride in a Subaru Outback. (Was there worse product placement in a show ever?)

Set your DVR's for Alone in the Wild. It gets started Saturday, July 25th at 9 PM EDT.

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