Monday, July 20, 2009

Primal Quest Media Registration Is Now Open

As many of you know, one of the projects that I'm involved in is a little adventure race called Primal Quest. Last year I had the opportunity to be a part of this event for the first time when traveled to Montana to work as the Media Director for the race, and I can tell you that it was quite an experience. The athletes that are involved in PQ are amazing from top to bottom, and watching them tear up the course over the ten days that the race runs was an impressive thing to see.

Now, we're less than a month away from Primal Quest Badlands, and it's going to be even more epic this year. The race gets underway on August 14th when co-ed teams of four set out to run, mountain bike, paddle, climb, swim and spelunk their way, non-stop, across 600 miles of some of the most impressive backcountry you'll find anywhere on the planet. South Dakota's Badlands and Black Hills will play host to the race, which has been called "the World's Most Challenging Human Endurance Competition", which I can tell you is a pretty fair moniker.

Late last week we posted the registration form for any media who are interested in covering Primal Quest. The race makes for quite a story, as these athletes are amongst the toughest in the world, and most take part in the race just for the challenge and fun of it. The fact that the race runs day and night, without stopping, only adds to the challenge and makes what they do all the more impressive.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining us in South Dakota as a member of the press looking to cover the race, be sure to fill out the form. And if you have any further questions, feel free to drop me a note at:

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