Monday, August 3, 2009

Ocean Rowing: Sarah Completes Indian Ocean Row!!!

We've been following her progress for months, and today it's official. Sarah Outen has completed her solo row across the Indian Ocean, and reached Mauritius today at 8:27 PM local time. She rowed up onto the shore to greetings from friends and family and in triumphant style. You can read more about the finish on the most recent posts on Sarah's blog.

Sarah set out from the town of Freemantle on the western coast of Australia back on March 31st, and now, more than four months later, she has completed her quest to become the first woman, and youngest person, to ever solo the Indian Ocean. Along the way she faced a number of hardships, including killer storms, high winds, weeks alone at sea, and having her boat rolled in the middle of the ocean. But through it all, she remained upbeat and her dispatches always seemed pleasant, confident, and positive.

I want to send my congratulations along to Sarah on a job well done. That was one heck of an effort, and I'm glad to see she completed the crossing safe and sound, and none the worse for wear it seems. I'm sure we'll have more updates soon, as she is no doubt looking forward to a hot shower and a fine meal, not to mention a long sleep on a comfortable bed that doesn't move beneath her.

Welcome to Africa Sarah!

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