Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Off To Primal Quest!

Tomorrow morning I'll set off for South Dakota for Primal Quest Badlands, which means that updates to this site will likely be sporadic at best over the next 10-12 days. But, that doesn't mean that I'll be resting on my laurels. I'll be resuming my duties as the Media Director for "the World's Most Challenging Human Endurance Competition", which means plenty of updates to the PQ website, taking some photos and video, interfacing with media, and doing what ever I can to spread the word about the event.

The race is scheduled to get underway sometime Friday morning at an as of yet undisclosed location. Tomorrow, at 12 PM local time, the exact time and place will be announced to the public, but I can tell you that teams should expect an early morning start to their adventure. Over the next few days I'll be meeting with volunteers and staff to get ramped up on a plan for covering the race as best as we can, and considering the 600 mile course, that won't be easy, as well as touching base with some of the teams, doing some interviews and covering their gear and skills checks on Thursday.

There will be multiple ways to follow the action. On Friday, the leaderboard and live tracking will become active, thanks to the SPOT Messengers that each team will carry, and fans will be able to watch the teams move about the Badlands, tacking their moves and watching their navigational decisions. The PQ website will be updated as often as I can with stories about the teams, our sponsors, and notes from the field on what is happening as well. We'll also be using the Primal Quest Twitter feed to deliver updates too, so be sure to follow along there if you're a Twitter user.

It's going to be a crazy, chaotic, and fun event, as always. Ten days of non-stop racing across 600 miles of backcountry, on foot, bike, and kayak, with a bit of spelunking, swimming, and climbing thrown in for good measure. What more could you ask for? Oh yeah! A liberal dose of navigational challenges too. And with Team Nike out of the race, it's anyone's ball game!

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