Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cycling The Americas Update: Back in the U.S.

It's been a few weeks since we checked in on Mark Beaumont, who is in the process of cycling the Trans-American Highway from Alaska to the tip of South America. He's been blogging about his journey and updating us on his adventure over at the Cycling the Americas website.

When last we checked in on Mark, he had summitted Denali and was preparing to begin his ride. He has since ridden out of Alaska and south through Canada, and is presently back in the continental U.S. and riding through the Washington/Idaho border region.

Mark is making good time so far on his journey, but on this type of ride, the northern end is always the easiest. Riding through the U.S. and Canada gives the cyclist a great infrastructure with excellent roads, campsites, and supply stations along the way. The further south he goes however, the worse those conditions are likely to be, especially once he enters Mexico and continues into Central America and then down into South America as well.

Today on his blog update, Mark is answering a series of questions, that are quite interesting. He talks about his route thus far, and how scenic it has been. He mentions his climbs, having already knocked off Denali, and setting his sights on Aconcagua in January, and what it's like to spend hours on the road alone with just his bike.

For the next few weeks, Mark will continue his ride through the U.S. and updates will continue throughout the entire journey When he reaches Mexico, I expect a different tone to his updates and very interesting stories from the road.

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