Monday, August 31, 2009

Paddling from Portalnd to the Pacific for a Cause

The Wend Blog has a story up this morning about kayakers Andy Maser and Daniel Fox setting out on a little paddle on the Columbia River that will see them making the 130 mile journey from Portland to the Pacific Ocean.

The two men are making the journey to benefit a three different organizations, including the Disabled American Veterans, Team River Runner, and the We Love Clean Rivers project.

The duo will be blogging about the trip on the iWend website, posting updates as they go. You can also follow their progress at SPOT Adventures as well, where you can chart their progress and watch them roll down the river over the next few days.

It should be a fun expedition to follow along with, and expect plenty of good updates and photos from the journey. The fact that they are doing it for those three great causes is just icing on the cake. `

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