Thursday, January 20, 2011

Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenges Airs On NBC This Weekend

Adventure racing fans in the U.S. can get their fix this weekend when NBC kicks off a new season of The World of Adventure Sports with coverage of the Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge which took place in the United Arab Emirates back in early December. The program will air from 3-4 PM EST on this Sunday and will also feature segments on rally cross, snowboarding, and more.

Over the past few years, the ADAC has held down the final spot on the international adventure racing calendar. The event attracts top teams from across the globe and has become one of the premiere races each year. It is a stage-based race, with coed teams of four beginning and ending at the same point on a daily basis, but competing in the usual AR disciplines such as running, mountain biking, paddling, and navigation.

For those who haven't had the opportunity to see what adventure racing is all about, the World of Adventure Sports episode should be a great introduction. They usually do an excellent job of presenting any of the events they cover, whether its kayaking, ultrarunning, motorcross, or what ever. This weekend's episode kicks off the new season, with new shows being aired nearly monthly for the rest of the year.

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