Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jordan Romero Has Big Plans For 2011

Last year, Jordan Romero grabbed headlines across the globe when he became the youngest person to summit Everest at the age of 13. This year he still has some lofty goals to accomplish with a busy schedule of climbs once again.

Jordan has always said that he hoped to complete the Seven Summits, and in the process become the youngest person to do so. He's 14 now and has just one peak left on the list, which is Mt. Vinson in Antarctica. He plans to make his attempt on that mountain in December of 2011, which will close that chapter on his mountaineering career.

But before he does that, he told AOL News that he plans to climb the highest peaks in all 50 states as well. He'll combine those efforts with a series of lectures and presentations on his adventures which he hopes will encourage kids to be active, get outdoors, and pursue a more adventurous lifestyle.

The ninth grader isn't done there either. He may barely be into high school but he's already looking ahead to college too. He also told AOL News that he hopes to study ski resort management when he heads to university in a few years, which means he's smart enough to know that he wants to work in the outdoor industry in a job that gives him some time off in the summer!

While I have been a bit critical of the younger climbers on the big peaks over the years, I do salute Jordan and his attempt to inspire other kids to follow in his footsteps. Anything that gets people, young or old, outside and enjoying life is a good thing. It'll be interesting to see if Jordan attempts to break the speed record for climbing the 50 U.S. high points, which is currently held by 12-year old Matt Moniz. Perhaps we have the next generation of climbing rivalry already in the making. Or maybe we just have two very talented young climbers who both enjoy a healthy dose of adventure.

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