Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Atacama Extreme: Ray is Officially Underway!

I've been posting updates on the Atacama Extreme expedition, which features endurance athlete Ray Zahab running solo across the entire length of the Atacama Desert in Chile. Ray, who was originally was suppose to run with his usual adventure partner Kevin Vallely, set off on Sunday, after carefully selecting the perfect starting point along the Peruvian/Chilean border. On his first day out, Ray covered 78.5km (48.7 miles) through the driest desert on the planet. As if that wasn't a big enough challenge, he also had to stay on a road for the first few miles to avoid land mines and later he had to conquer a massive gorge that cut across his path.

Check out the video journal below for a first hand account from Ray himself, and go to the expedition's website for photos and more information on the first day of the run.

Day 1 Atacama Extreme from GOi2P on Vimeo.

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