Friday, January 14, 2011

World Record Waterfall Drop In A Dingy?

I came across this video over at the Wend Blog, and I'm not really sure what to make of it. On the one hand, it is a pretty big drop over a water fall in an inflatable dingy, which is a bit insane in and of itself as witnessed by the fact that the dude going over the falls, Andy Immler, goes flying out of the boat halfway down. It is also kind of funny who the dingy goes skipping off the water as well. The helmet cam footage really captures it all quite nicely.

Then I started to think that this was some kind of marketing video from Redbull and when Immler starts dousing his own face in the energy drink and vodka at the end, it all turned kind of silly. Especially when more vodka is going in than Redbull. The logos of both drink companies are displayed, but they are listed as not being an actual sponsor. On top of that, they talk about making a world record dingy descent throughout the video, but I didn't see any kind of stat saying how big the drop actually was. I can't decide if this is some kind of parody video or if they're actually being serious. Check it out below.

World Record Waterfall Descent from Fred Norquist on Vimeo.

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