Thursday, March 9, 2006

85 Year Old Woman to Climb Everest...or NOT! ;)

Did you hear about the 85 year old British woman who intends to climb Everest? She's going to take her dog with her as well, and up a new route none-the-less. Sounds too good to be true? Well, you're right! had the first scoop on this story, and you can read all about it right here. It seems that the 85 year old grandmother, named Mary, is just a big marketing scheme put on by Mammut Sportswear. It would seem that not everyone in the climbing community realized this was a joke from the beginning however. Mary even had her own website to chronicle her adventure.

I first read about this some weeks ago when I read an "interview" with Mary over at I nearly posted about it, thinking it was remarkable that this woman was going to attempt the climb. But as I read further, I got very skeptical, and when they mentioned she was taking her dog along, I figured it was hoax, but by whom, I had no idea. Anyway, it makes for a good chuckle, and I'd love to see some commercials with Mary and her dog! :)

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