Monday, March 6, 2006

The Iditarod Begins!

The Last Great Race, also known as the Iditarod, got underway yesterday. The 1,149 mile dog sled race from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska has been run since 1973, and now offers up a $600,000 purse. The event has become one big party for Alaskans, who will follow the race over the next week and a half.

The Iditarod was created to celebrate the historic run of mushers in 1925 who raced against time to deliver serum to Nome to combat a diphtheria epidemic. More than 20 dog sled teams crossed the frozen landscape relaying the serum to one another. The final leg of the journey was lead by legendary sled dog Balto who found his way through an epic blizzard to deliver the medicine on time.

As of this writing, four time Iditarod Champ Doug Swingley leads the pack as the first musher out of Yentna. I'll be following the race over the next week or so, and posting updates from time to time.

(Note: The Iditarod should not be confused with the Iditabike! ;) )

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