Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Outside Magazine's Best Trips of 2006

Outside Magazine , one of the best sources of news, stories, and information on adventure in all forms, has posted it's wonderful Wanderlist 2006 which consists of the best trips for the coming year. The story is broken down by region, and offers some excellent ideas for the world traveler who wants to get away from it all.

The highlights of the list for me include: Sea-kayaking in the Galapagos, Tracking the Snow Leopard in India, the Cross-Country Traverse of Costa Rica, Safari by Elephant in Botswana, and the Climbing and Photography expedition to the Antarctic. Of course, there trip of the year , which I won't spoil, would be awesome as well.

The article ends with a preview for 2007. If anyone from Outside needs some help reviewing next years trips, drop me an e-mail. Please? Pretty please?? :)

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