Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Racing The Iditarod Blind

The mainstream press doesn't cover a lot of the stories that I enjoy reading. For example, you rarely see any news stories on adventure racing or mountain climbing, except in the case of when something has gone terribly wrong. However, the Iditarod has gotten pretty good coverage over the years, which has helped the average American to know more about the event.

Today, USA Today has thisvery interesting article about Rachael Scdoris, a visually impaired musher who is racing in the Iditarod at this very moment.

I remember reading about Rachael last year, and thinking what a remarkable story it was. She's a gifted musher for sure, and it takes a lot of courage to head out there on the trail in that weather. Essentially, she has another sled team with her, who serves as a guide, yelling out directions and information about the trail. It seems to work very well, and I'll be very interested in seeing where she places this season.

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