Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Diving Deep, with the Dead

This article, which originally appeared in Outside Magazine's August issue, was recently nominated for a National Magazine Award for American Sports Writing and for good reason. It is one of the most compelling stories you will read, and it's wonderful that Outside has published it in it's entirety online.

In a nutshell, the story is about a cave diver, named Dave Shaw, who was diving in the Bushman's Hole in South Africa, believed to be the third largest freshwater cave on the Planet. While more than 800 feet beneath the surface, he came across the body of a young man who had disappeared 10 years earlier. What follows is an incredible story about a man risking everything to retrieve the body from the depths of the Bushman's Hole.

I can't stress how incredible this story is, and how interesting it was for me to read. I first read it back when the issue was published, and still find it very compelling now. Cave diving can be a risky endeavor, but it must be amazing to explore these completely alien worlds beneath the surface. Go read this story. Now! :)

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