Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More Climbers Weigh In On David Sharpe

This seems to be the story that won't go away. You'll recall that climber David Sharpe died on Everest about a month ago. It seems Sharpe made the summit but became disoriented from a lack of oxygen on the descent. This happens regularly on Everest, but in this case no one stopped to help him out, although one team did stop to give him some oxygen. The situation heated up more when Sir Edmund Hillary blasted the climbers on Everest for not helping, and saying that they have put the summit ahead of common sense and morality. Well, now more famous climbers are weighing in on the topic, including Ed Viesturs, probably the best American climber ever. Viesturs says that at the least, someone could have sat with Sharpe and "try to provide a little comfort." You can read more of Viesturs thoughts, as well as some other climbers, and some interesting contraditions to the story from the team leader over at MountEverest.net

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